What are ACPWH approved workshops?

The ACPWH workshops have now been running successfully since 2002. The purpose of the workshops is to update and/or revise the evidence base and current best practice for chartered physiotherapists working in women’s health and continence care. All internal ACPWH approved workshops are owned by the As sociation and are protected by copyright.
It is the remit of the Education sub-committee (ESC) to identify and then develop further workshops for ACPWH approval.

External workshops

In essence, an external workshop is one that is developed by outside agencies if it cannot be provided at that particular time by a working party of members of ACPWH.

Course Objectives

1. To introduce essential and correct evidence-based information on pelvic floor examination and assessment of urinary incontinence or ano-rectal dysfunction for physiotherapists working/ interested in women’s health.

2. To provide tutor – led practical assessment opportunities.
(Ref CSP information papers 19a & b)

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the workshop the participants should be :

  • able to adequately assess a patient with pelvic floor dysfunction
  • able to formulate an effective management plan
  • aware of appropriate treatment modalities
  • aware of and conform to national standards of physiotherapy practice particularly relating to women’s health

3.‘ An introduction to Pilates in women’s health physiotherapy’ (2006)

Course Objectives

• To explore the concept of using modified Pilates exercises and their use in the field of women’s health.

• To provide an opportunity to practise, teach, adapt, develop and become familiar with modified Pilates exercises, under the guidance and support of physiotherapy tutors experienced in Pilates techniques.

• To provide a forum to discuss current best practice in prescribing exercise within the field of women’s health physiotherapy.

Learning O utcomes

On completion of the workshop the participant should :

• be able to teach a basic set of modified Pilates exercises relevant to women’s health and be knowledgeable in their use

• be able to select appropriate exercises for specific women’s health conditions

• be able to progress the exercises through appropriate levels and adapt as necessary to the individual patient and apply to functional situations

• be aware of those Pilates exercises which are contra-indicated

• be aware of the current evidence base in the use of Pilates type exercises as an adjunct to treatments, as a preventive measure and as a holistic approach in the field of women’s health

• have gained an awareness into the continuing physical changes throughout a woman’s life

4.‘ The unique role of the women’s health physiotherapist in antenatal care’ (2007)

Course Objectives

To equip physiotherapists with the knowledge and skills necessary to competently deliver antenatal classes and to provide a broader spectrum of antenatal care which is unique to women’s health physiotherapy.

Learning O utcomes

On completion of the workshop the participants should be :

• able to understand the physiological changes in pregnancy and be familiar with the stages of labour

• equipped with the knowledge base and practical skills to provide safe and effective antenatal classes

• able to effectively and confidently justify the role of the women’s health physiotherapist within antenatal education and care

• aware of and conform to national standards of physiotherapy practice, national guidelines and local policies relating particularly to women’s health


5. Physiotherapy for bladder & bowel dysfunction – a practical workshop

Workshop Objectives

1. To provide evidence-based theory related to the treatment of bladder, bowel and pelvic floor muscle dysfunction

2. To provide tutor led experience of the application of practical techniques.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the workshop, in relation to bladder, bowel and pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, the participants should;


  • Be aware of and apply appropriate treatment modalities.
  • Be able to formulate an effective treatment plan.
  • Gain or increase clinical skills in the use of these modalities.
  • Be aware of and conform to CSP Standards of Physiotherapy Practice in relation to the management of bladder, bowel and pelvic floor muscle dysfunction.

6. Physiotherapy assessment and management of pregnancy related musculoskeletal conditions

This is a two day ACPWH certified practical workshop designed to enable the HPC registered physiotherapist to examine, assess and manage a woman with common pregnancy related musculoskeletal problems. The workshop is aimed at physiotherapists already working in women’s health as well as the physiotherapist working in a musculoskeletal outpatient setting. It is also suitable for people new to this area of and for those requiring revision or updating in current best practice.

Workshop Objectives

To enable the participant to examine and manage a woman with common pregnancy related musculoskeletal problems.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop the participant will be able to;

  • Understand the physiological changes in pregnancy relevant to the physiotherapy management of musculoskeletal problems
  • Describe and understand the altered biomechanics of the lumbar spine and pelvic girdle
  • Discuss the possible aetiology of common lumbo-pelvic and hip dysfunctions
  • Have an awareness of the psychosocial influences and emotional needs of the woman
  • Adapt assessment and examination techniques of the lumbar spine, pelvis and hip for the ante-natal and post-natal woman
  • Adapt selected manual techniques and exercises for the lumbar spine, pelvis and hip for the ante-natal and post-natal woman
  • Apply clinical reasoning and analysis to direct physiotherapy intervention
  • To develop a range of skills to manage common pregnancy related musculoskeletal problems
  • Understand the physiotherapist’s role within the multidisciplinary team particularly with regard to birth


Where will I find the courses advertised?

On the ACPWH website and through i CSP

In CSP ‘Physiotherapy Frontline’ magazine either under ‘Course listings’ or in the ‘Noticeboard’ section